Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fiddling with Roxio Photo Show

It would be nice if the embedding actually worked. :-(

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Orville Schell on China

Very interesting piece in New York Review of Books (online, of course) by Orville Schell, reviewing the movie Dark Matter, about a Chinese PhD student in the US who, perceiving that his advisors have caused his humiliation and loss of face, kills them and himself.

It's a very perceptive historical review of the "100 years of humiliation" that Chinese feel (and celebrate, if that's the right word) that goes a long way to explain the actions and reactions of the government and Chinese citizens in response to things like the torch protests.

Check it out:
China: Humiliation & the Olympics.

Saturday, August 09, 2008


So sad. Last trip to Shanghai, for a while at least. Check out the pics:

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Blue Sky Day, Shanghai

OK, I should've posted this when I got here. When we got in the van to head to the hotel, what to my wondering eyes did appear, but a bunch of puffy clouds and blue sky! All the rain must have had some positive impact, I guess.
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